Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Presenting Clara

Let me introduce my very best friend.

This is Clara, my 8 year old lab/hound mix and the sweetest dog you'll ever meet.  I'm not biased or anything.

I got Clara last year from the local shelter.  I had been dying to get a dog for years and years, and the stars finally lined up where I was in a situation I could get her.  It was at a time where I was up and down, had gone off my antidepressants and was in the process of getting back on some (which takes about 6 weeks). I wasn't at my prime.

I walked into the shelter, pulled her out to walk around, and she knew right away that I was the one she was going home with.  She knew it before I did. Animal people will know what I'm talking about -- she chose me.  And my life has been different and better ever since.  It's the best thing ever to come home to a big doggy smile.

Clara's favorite thing ever is to be pet and pet and pet. But you have to do it just the right way or she'll squirm and glare at ya. She doesn't "play" much, but loves to sniff around, meet other dogs and follows me wherever I go.  Clara is super picky about the table food you give her and turns up her nose at a whole bunch of stuff other dogs would snarf up.  Her all time favorite is chicken.

There are studies that have been done on the impact of animals and mood, as well as organizations that send "therapy" animals out to disadvantaged people - nursing homes, hospitals.  Clara in fact is certified, she's just waiting on me to get out and visit :)

The case for animals (particularly dogs) as a source of healing and happiness:
Lowers blood pressure
Unconditional love and affection
Someone to take care of
Decreases feelings of loneliness
Forces you to get out of the house

When I'm having a down day, I sit and give this girl a hug.  I can always feel some of the stress melt off of me as I do.  I'll take her out for a walk, and not only does it get me moving and out of my mind a little, but it is so cute to see the things that she notices and what her little dog brain finds interesting.

So, message of the day...find a pet to love!  It has been one of the best decisions I've ever made.

Day One

Welcome! I'm excited to be starting this blog. For several years now, maybe 7 or 8, I have been in a constant struggle with anxiety and depression.  This includes events anywhere from panic attacks to days where I am not motivated enough to get off my couch, to embarrassing moments and many, many examples in between. I know these are common problems. I hope to not only share the successes I have found but hear about others' as well.

I have started this blog for several reasons. 1) To share strategies, ideas, and treatments that have worked for me so that others might try them as well. 2)  Hopefully, at some point, a resource and support for those who also struggle with it. To help them know there is hope. 3) To keep myself accountable for healthy habits of happiness. Less interesting reasons include 3) I need to keep busy to stay out of my own head. 4) A creative outlet.

On that note, the first post will be a fairly generic but still fantastic tool for a happy life: a gratitude list.

1. My parents who are so supportive and open. I will never stop being grateful for the people in my family. 2. My dog, Clara. 3. Hot water 4. Things that piss you off but you later realize made you grow 5. A job I don't hate 6. My little brother 7. My heated blanket 8. Flowers my dad gave me as a house warming gift 9. Forgiveness 10. Patience

How many things do you have to be grateful for?